- Ab Crunch Machine
- Cable Twist
- Standing Twist
- Side Plank
- Ab Wheel with Feet
- Pelvic Tilt
- Standing Arm Swings
- Forearm Plank
- Bridge
- Bridge + Leg Extension
- Supine Ab Twists
- Crunches
- Alternating Knee Pull-ins
- Ab Wheel
- Oblique Crunches
- Bicycle Crunches
- Crunches with Feet Up
- Plank Reach
- Stability Ball Balance
- Stability Ball Balance w/ 1 Leg Extended
- Stability Ball Balance w/ Legs Extended
- Stability Ball Balance with Hip Flexion
- Ball Balance w/ Leg Extension II
- Kneeling on Stability Ball
- Kneeling Knee Tuck & Hip Extension
- Medicine Ball Wall Throw